1. An application form duly signed by the applicant.
2. Two recent passport-size color photographs. Please take following precautions while submitting the photographs:
- The photograph should be a passport size colored photograph with a light background.
- It should be taken from shoulder and above, well lit so that facial details can be seen. eadgear, incl. hats, caps, sunglasses and alike are not allowed.
- Be taken from the front with dimensions 3.5 X 4.5 cm.
- Photograph should not be older than 6 months.
- Headgear may be allowed in exceptional cases on religious grounds.
- Ears of the applicant should be clearly visible.
- The photograph should not contain any staple marks.
- The photograph should be of excellent quality, scanned or color photocopies would not be accepted.
3. Two photocopies of Data Page of Passport on a 100g page. The passport must be valid at least three months beyond the intended departure date.
4. At least one empty page in the passport to attach the visa. Keep in mind that a visa will not be issued on added pages of a passport.
5. Confirmed return air ticket booking from the home country of applicant.
6. Overseas Medical Health Insurance together with medical emergency evacuation for at least 30,000 Euro. Documentation for insurance to be taken when travelling.
7. Proof of enough funds for living expenses during the stay in Denmark.
8. Evidence of staying lawfully in a region within the jurisdiction of the concerned foreign mission.
9. Minors need the written, signed approval of their parents in addition to their signatures on the application forms together with a copy of the parents’ passports to confirm the signatures.
10. Proof of payment of Denmark visa fee.
I want to immigrate to Denmark from India.
Is there any other documents which are required for Danish Immigration from India.
Please guide me beccause i heard that Denmark is the easiest country to Immigrate in 2009. You also tell Is it true that Denmark is the easiest country to Immigrate.
Please guide me
Dear Anonymous,
1. This above list of documents for Denmark Visa is complete and you dont need any other documents except this list of 10.
2. Of course Denmark is the easiest country to Immigrate in 2009. Denmark has relaxed its Immigration system by introducing new points based system for Immigration called The Denmark Green Card .
how do i know whether my job experience count for green card scheme.
Dear Sharada,
See your job title in the "positive list". If it is there than you may qualify
I want to denmark immigration india , what is the whole procedare
Where can i find denmark immigration consultants in India. Is it important to hire a consultant for Danish immigration from India?
well i am a credit officer in commercial bank. i have been working for 20 months and my job is continue.i have gone through positive list there in Management section i found officer manager and requirement is 3 years education at university level. do i select in this category.i have completed MBA.
what about bank statement. while submitting documents to Danish embassy we have to submit bank statement. how long we have to keep that amount in bank. because bank will give less interest in comparing other investments
where do we have to attach our academic certificates. as far as i know that we have to attach it from concerned university/college. besides this, embassy said that u have to attach your documents in Ministry of foreign affairs. can you clear me about it.
Dear Anonymous,
Please see the Denmark Green Card section in order to get information about Denmark Immigration
Dear Anonymous 2,
Its better to handle your immigration case your self, But if you find it difficult, you can take the assistance of Immigration consultant.
Check the websites of different Immigration Consultants
Dear Shrada,
Yes you can qualify bcoz you have 4 years of University education. 2 years for MBA and 2 years prior to that.
How many Denmark Greencard points you scored?
Dear Anonymous,
It is not definate that how much you havr to remain money in Bank.
2 to 3 months are enough
Dear Anonymous,
Your documents have to be attested HEC or any other educational body from your country, prior to attestation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
i have cofusion in fallowing poins
6. Overseas Medical Health Insurance together with medical emergency evacuation for at least 30,000 Euro. Documentation for insurance to be taken when travelling.
8. Evidence of staying lawfully in a region within the jurisdiction of the concerned foreign mission
please elaborate thank you
dear sir im tailor/dress maker and have 18 years of Work experience. im 33 years old married i have 2 Insurance polices around . 50,000.USD$ ... also a good bank statment.. pass from scendry school .. but have proff from pakistan gorvment as a bussines man coz from last 11 years i have my own shop never been in crimenl have good past and also hope to be have best future so may i know can i get the visa of denmark for the work and how.
sher azam khan
i have done M.A English Linguistics and Teaching Language from Punjab University Pakistan.
i am working as an english teacher.
experience 5 years.
age 27 years
I had done IELTS WITH 6 Bands in 2007.
Kindly assess my points for Denmark Green Card Immigration.
dear Khurram,
You are scoring approx 90 points
Dear Ishtiaq,
You may qualify if you get at least 6.5 band in IElTS
HI Sir I have MBA from Pakistani university and working as a managing director in an orgranization since 2002. Can you assess my points for the Danish green card scheme. My age is 43 years.
i finidh MSC from UK, top 400 university, as well i hade finish BSc in chemistry and 2 yrs post graduation Diploma from India. i have worked in uk for 2 years as administratior,i finish my all study in english mediume, and for study purpose cleared IELTS with 6 bands.
i work in india 3 years as asst production manager and planner, sr executive.
as per positive list how i can get points for my designation.
can you please suggest i do have how many points to get DG, my age is 32 years, single
Can you please let me know the opportunities of Getting Green Card in Denmark, and job opportunities related to my education and work experience which is listed below:
I am Vasanth from India, my education qualification is Master of Computer Applications.
Having Information Technology experience (of 8 years) as follows:
SQL Server Development
SSRS-(SSQL Server Reporting Services) experience
MS Access experience
Qlikview experience
I want to know..can someone sponsor me for the fund required during visa process or do i need to show balance in my own account?
If my profession is not in positive but still i can score 100 points,then can i apply for greencard?
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