Before moving to Denmark, you have to know about the customs and way of life of Denmark.
Following are some customes and ways of living which may be adhered by you while immigrate to Denmark
1. The first thing you have to know how the Danes greet each other. Danes introduce themselves by their first name so confirm you refer to them in the same way. It is also more suitable to shake hands than to present each other a peck on the cheek, which may be viewed as something too personal.
2. You should also remember that Danes consider loud and passionate behavior in public as a form of disregard, and will scold you when needed. Therefore, do your best to talk in reasonable tones and to express intimate gesticulation only in private places or bars.
3. Avoid sitting at the side of a stranger in a public transport as much as possible. In the Denmark customs, this can be a sign of disregard. In the same way, do not start a talk with a stranger. If a Dane does talk to you, stick to safe subjects and avoid revealing too much about yourself. Remember that bragging is also disapproved of.
4. Punctuality is one more significant part of Denmark customs. Indeed, there is few things Danes hate more than somebody who is not on time. So keep away from being late when you are meeting someone, whether it's for business or social reasons. You will also notice that organizations close on the point, so it's best to be conscious of store and restaurant hours.
5. Danes oppose queue jumpers as well, so go to the end of the queue and attach to your place or take hold of a queue number card when entering a store or office. If you truly are in a hurry, ask respectfully to be allowing ahead.
6. When dining in a restaurant, watch good table manners such as keeping your wrists at the border of the table and placing your utensils crossways your plate when you are done eating. Ensure that you finish everything on your plate as well, which is considered another of the Denmark social customs since Danes do not like wasting food.
These are just a few of the Denmark social customs. While you are not required to go behind them, it is forever good to be respectful, especially if you are going to a foreign country like Denmark. In this way, you will be respected in return, and you will also have an easier time intergrate into Danish society so you can have a more memorable and meaningful experience.