Though, you and your spouse or partner, in addition to your association with him/her, must meet up certain requirements.
There are several precise requirements relating to your spouse residing in Denmark. These requirements chiefly concern the grounds for his/her residence in Denmark and his/her capability to sustain him/her and you.
Requirements concerning to your marriage for spouse immigration visa:
•Your wedding or registered partnership should be accepted by Danish law.
•Your marriage or registered partnership should have been entered into willingly, i.e. there must be no uncertainty that it was entered into consistent with the wishes of both you and your spouse/partner.
•The marriage or registered partnership should not have been entered into solely for the purpose of obtaining a spouse immigration visa or residence permit for you.
Requirements for you and your spouse/partner for spouse immigration visa:
•You both have to be over the age of 24.
•You should live together at the same address in Denmark when your spouse immigration visa or residence permit is granted.
•Your mutual attachment to Denmark must be greater than your mutual attachment to any other country.
Requirements relating to your spouse in Denmark in order to get spouse immigration visa:
Your spouse/partner in Denmark should either:
•Be a Danish national or a citizen of one of the other Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland), or
•Hold a Danish residence permit granted on the basis of refuge or Protected Status, or
•Have held a permanent Danish residence permit for the previous 3 years or more.
•Should live permanently in Denmark.
•Should have accommodation of sufficient size at his/her disposal.
•Should be able to sustain him/her and you.
Hello! Im Rea, from the Philippines. I have a boyfriend in Denmark)he's Danish) and we plan to get married here in my country. What will be the most possible way i could join him and live in Denmark? if i will apply for a spouse visa, how many months would it take to process?
hello i'm from maroco i have a danich boyfriend and we want to getting married in denmarck so how i can get the visa for to go married there becouse he don't want to married me by marocain low for to not change his relegion and i accept that so plaise i need answer so soon
Hi am from Ghana my boyfriend is a Danish we've known each other for a long time now, i was in danmark with him for a couple of months ago and still in the process of visiting him this summer. We planned getting married in December but I want to know if I get married in my country what are the chance of getting a permit stay in danmark.what kind of a visa do I need then when we become spouse?
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