Here is an overview to working and living in Denmark.
The Danish welfare society is characterized by high economic growth and a high standard of living. Its citizens are financially secure, for instance when it comes to sickness and old age. You can also benefit from these welfare services when you pay tax on your wages to Denmark.
The Danish welfare society is characterized by high economic growth and a high standard of living. Its citizens are financially secure, for instance when it comes to sickness and old age. You can also benefit from these welfare services when you pay tax on your wages to Denmark.
Danish companies offer excellent working conditions, modern facilities and high quality technical equipment. Competence development is given high priority and most workplaces offer continual in-service training to their employees.
As a foreign national, you will get along fine without having to speak Danish at the beginning. In general, the Danes speak several foreign languages and are happy to get the opportunity to use them.
We can even get a decent cleaning or dish washing job when we don't know the Danish language leave aside getting professional job. More than 80% of people came under Green Card Scheme are unemployed...we cant find even a pity cleaning job...and learning Danish takes more than 2 to 3 years...be practical and think sensibly before encouraging people to migrate here.
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