As a worker, the application process usually begins with the employer accomplishing his own application form accompanied by the other required documents. The employee then fills up the form planned for his part and submits the whole application. Forms vary in accordance with whether you’re applying as an employee, canvasser, religious worker or applicant under the corporate scheme.
For self-employed persons only the person completes the form. The form is available in Danish and English version.
For those still seeking a job, they can submit an application for a resident and work permit. A 3 year residence permit covered in the Danish Green Card scheme will permit an outsider to work and live in Denmark at the same time.
What kinds of jobs are available in Denmark?
As for the types of jobs, there is a wide range obtainable in Copenhagen and Denmark. Being a rising market, workers can find healthy paying jobs in Denmark irrespective of their occupation. In the agriculture sector, there are numerous jobs in the fisheries and forestry departments in addition to the food market retail and comprehensive import export industries particularly since.
Jobs are available in energy production as well, transportation covering airlines, education and chemical engineering, media, freight and railways, interior decoration and dairy production.
Actually i am Nepali studied in Denmark for about two and half years Mphil course in education and complicted different education management related trainings. I did Ph.D in education specialized in equity in education. I like to live and work in Denmark. It is being second home.
Pls let me know how to find a job in education, training and research related job in Denmark?
Dr. Nakul Baniya
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