Though, you require having extra funds per family member which serves as a proof that they are able to maintain themselves and you have to live together in Denmark at the same address. Your spouse is allowable to work permanent for the entire period his or her residence permit is valid. In addition, they are allowable to stay under the extra six months Green card scheme.
I am planning my master in denmark an currently living in uk with my husband with nepalsese origin of boht. how much funds do i need to show to get the entry clearence to denmark? Do me and my husband can apply for entry clearence at once not?? Would mean a lot for pouring of few idea on it.
many thanks.
Hi , I am a Nepalese by origin, and I'm willing to study in Denmark. But my future plan is to get pr in Denmark. I have a child and my hubby is an M.A. in English . Will we be allowed to settle therein having completed the study course, as a p.R?
Hi! This is Mujib Ganchi from Gujarat India.Myself and my wife both are Indian citizen. My wife name is Sahistabanu Ganchi.I want to go to study in Denmark for M.Sc. course. And I want to take also my wife to there as a dependent visa,so what process. I want the easy way to process about this matter. Give me the good idea about this problem.
Hi I am an Indian and my husband (Indian)is working in Denmark. I would be applying for resident permit, however I have two queries
1. is it necessary to have spouse name added to passport for spouse visa it mandatory for our marriage certificate to be attested by the Ministry of External affairs before I submit it.
Hi, I am Pakistani and i want to continous my study in demark & My qulification is intermediate & what i do now. My name is Muhammad Yasin & it is my id
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