If the Immigration Service receives information that does not match with the information you have given, you will be asked to give details of any inconsistency before the Immigration Service rules on the case.
Once the Immigration Service has received all required information and credentials concerning to your application, it will make its decision. The decision will be either a Green card, residence and work permit, or a refusal of your application.
I am based in Bahrain and there is no Denmark Embassy in Bahrain, they are represented by the Germany Embassy. I went there last week and they informed me that i cant submit the application form for the Green Card Scheme there.
Can i post it directly to the Danish Immigration Service in Denmark?
Anand here,
I submitted my Denmark green card application to VFS global on 31-07-09 @ chennai, And there was an update in the VFS tracker that my application is sent to Denmark Embassy Delhi on 18-08-09.
1. I want to know how much time will it take for processing.
2. I think my verification was completed adn then the application was submitted to Emabassy.
3. Will the Delhi Embassy immediately forward all the applications to Denmark or they do any verification once again.
Yes anonymous from Bahrin,
You may send your application directy to Denmark.
Dear Anand,
It may take minimum 30 days, but if further verifications are required than it may may late.
yes there is a VFS OFFICE IN BAHRAIN .
It is opposite the old lulu center .
Their contact number is 17216473
I checked the VFS site and it shows that "Visa application is been forwarded to Denamrk Embaswsy on 08/18/09." Since then there is no update in the site. I want to know did anyone has got resonse from Embassy !!!!. How much time will they take to verify at their end.
1. Do the Delhi embassy re-verify's the application or they send immediately to Denmark once they receive from VFS.
I sent an email to Danish consulate, they haven't replied anything.
I am Deepak S mailing from kerala & i am planning to apply under denmark GC programe on oct 2nd week. So can u pl guide me to clarify my following doubts before i submit my application to vfs.
I have done my Diploma for four years and worked in a aerospace mnc in bangalore for 4 years. While working i joined for Msc in product design which 's been offered by Coventry university Uk through there bangalore campus. Course period was 20 months. My field 's mech engineering and i could find it in positive list. I have visited uk under business visa for 3months.Currently my age 's 24 years and 4months. This 's my bio data n now below are my doubts.
1, can u pl tell me am i meeting point requirements for danish green card?
2, can u exp me the danish starter aid details, such as whether can i submit a statement from Chartered account stating my assets n financial deposit in mine and my parents name. Or do i have to submit a bank statement itself. If i need to submit i bank statement for hw many days i need to show the amount. I am planning to open a new account in sbi and deposit money in to it by 28th.So 's that okay if i keep the money only for 10days n give d statement.
3, 's it okay if i show statement given from a ca mentioning my parents has enough fund n asset with thm n thy will b my spons.
3, do i have to hold 6lak rupees until my visa 's stamped?
4, also i could read from many comments that no one 's getting call from embassy after submitting d documents. 'S thr any truth in it?
Could u pl pl pl reply for my queries as am planning to submit d documents at d earliest.
Advance thanks n regards,
Deepak S
could u pl pl pl give a reply as i am eagerly waiting for it?
deepak s
I am also going to apply for green card from bahrain. I have asked Denish consul in Manama ph: (973) 17216473, they suggested me to submit the documents there.
If anyone is interested, we will prepare documents together and go further. You may contact me at kamalnp@gmail.com
Kamal Prasad
I am also in Bahrain working in a telecom company.
I have asked Denish consule ph: (973) 17216473, they suggested me to submit the documents there. If anyone interested then call there.
Kamal Prasad
What are the documents to be submitted ? Can any one help to list them out.
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