The Green Card Scheme of Denmark is a matchless program, which assist qualified highly skilled foreign workers and professionals to get Residence and work permit of Denmark (Europe). There are a lot of benefits of this immigration program, for instance;
Denmark Citizens and permanent residents can do job at anyplace in the European Union.
Greencard holders will be capable of trip visa free to all Schengen Zone countries.
Permanent Residence Permit Status would give the right the immigrants to work in all European Union countries.
Green card let outsider to get permanent residence permit class within 7 years.
The rights of major applicant are given to his family members as well.
Danish Government supports a family to come together with a foreigner and even gives extra right to work and live in Denmark.
Subsequent to getting Permanent Residence Permit, a foreigner can take pleasure in social benefits of being Danish and obtain grants in aid, buy assets and children add right to get free of charge higher education.
Accompanied by main applicant, their family members will too be allowed to inhabit in the Denmark and to get permanent residence.
I am a Bangladeshi National. A female of 37 years of age. My husband is a Computer Science Master's degree holder and working and working as a IT Manager in an International Organization in Bangladesh. He is 45 years of age. I have a Master's degree in Social Welfare from the Dhaka Univesity. I am working as a social worker. I am fluent in English. I did my Master's Degree in English. Let me know if I qualify for Denmark GC.
Thanks and Regards.
After getting Green Card will i get the Danish Passport after certain period of time.
Dear Sayeda Shehreen Alamgir
in my opinion you may qualify but do visit to newtodenmark.dk.
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