2. Immigration to Denmark under Green card Scheme of Denmark is an exclusive program, which helps adequate highly qualified and skilled foreign workers and experts to get residence and work permit of Denmark.
3. Denmark Citizens and permanent residents can work wherever in the whole European Union.
4. Immigrants or Greencard holders will be entitled to travel visa free to all Schengen Zone countries.
5. Permanent Residence Permit Status would entitle the immigrants to work in all European Union countries
6. Green Card of Denmark gives right to a foreign person to get permanent residence permit status in 7 years.
7. The entire rights of the major applicant will also be given to his family members.
8. Danish Government give confidence a family to come together with a foreigner and even gives extra right to work and live in Denmark.
9. After getting Permanent Residence Permit, a foreigner can take pleasure in social benefits of being Danish and get grants in aid, purchase property and children get right to get free higher education.
10. Simultaneously with main applicant, his family members will also be allowed to reconcile in the Denmark and to get permanent residence.
So what are you looking for? Don’t miss this golden opportunity.
Any queries or comments – Please write in the comments below. You will be answered accordingly.
Here are frequently asked questions FAAQ of denmark immigration
how easy is to immigrate to denmark
how long will it take to submit documents in denmark vfs
how many application send to danmark immigration
how many people immigrate to denmark
how to apply for work in denmark having indian degree
how to calculate points for denmark green card
My wife is B.Com ,MBA-Finance(Full time) and have 4+ years of work experience in Finance? Is she eligible if yes, What are the prcedures and processing charges to apply for Denmark PR
Dear Harpeet,
First of all, calculate her points. If she qualify and attain 100 points for Denmark Immigration than you may proceed.
The educational documents attested from state body/RAC on which MEA attest the documents. The people who got education from Delhi forgot about Denmark cause RAC delhi never attested any degree for Denmark.
Hi ,
I my age is 26 years and i have done my Computer Engineering(BE)in 2006.
I have 3 Years of Experience in Information technology.Could you please let me know how much points i am getting.
Respected Sir;
I am interested for Green Card migration pro gramme for Denmark I have
the following confusion about it ,Plz guide me I shall be very
thankful to you.
1) Is educational documents stamped by the Higher Education Commission?
2) Is colour copies of educational documents (such as diplomas,
transcripts and other statements )are required?
3)Bank statement of transaction or simple statement from Bank manager?
4) Pay slip from previous employer?
5)Total charges ?
6)CNIC for overseas pakistani from Nadra?
I hope you will guide me.
how much bank balance does a person shud have to show to dane embassy for greencard application?
is ir imp that the applicant has to show hhis funds... and cant seek help fromhis parents?
Hi mate,
I m 31 pakistani,currently studing in australia.
I m B.A(bachelor of arts)2years
L.L.B(bachelor of law)3 years
working Exp in law field 3years.
i have family with 2 kids.
My question is that do i qualify for danish green card and can i apply from australia?
when u have time pls let me know.Syed
I am Electrical engineer, have almost 4 years experience, how much score is needed in IELTS to apply for Denmark, pls suggest.
Please.........Don't come and make your lives miserable in Denmark. Here, they are no jobs for immigrants as well as Danish people professional itself under these financial down turn.
Regarding living, it is very hard. Life is boring and sucks, weather is harsh.Now, I feel it better to live in India than Denmark.
Part time jobs are not available like in English countries until unless you speak good Danish language.Danish language is one of hard language to learn, it takes years to learn.
Here, 5000 Greencard holder, i guess no one got a job. Very few are working as cleaners/Dish washer in resturants.
Many green card work permit holders are live under extreme miserable and traumatic lives..becz they expected good life style with good jobs.Due to high cost of living is without earnings.....or working as cleaners instead soft enggs, researcher etc.
Decide yourself..............
i have green card visa..already 1.5 year , I can't find any job according of my experience.... I already spend all my money .., now want to apply on immigration to other country ... ,
my question is can i apply for financial support from kommune or not?
How long do I need to live in Denmark before applying to the Danish citizenship?
Ammar Sallam
Dear Ammar Sallam,
You have to stay at least 7 years in Denmark in order to get danish citizenship
Yes anonymous,
You can apply for financial support because you are a landed immigrant
hii everybody
my qualification is M.A M.ed m.Phil in hindi . we r thinking to apply under GC schenme in denmark . can anybody suggest me is this the right choice to choose dis country ? how many chances r there to get a job in education field ?
with regards
Neelam Bhatia
can anybody tell wts r the advantages of Gc in denmark
Dear Neelu,
At beginning, Its hard to get a job in your field. But with the passage of time you will find your desired job.
Denmark is a good destination for Immigration
Dear Gagan,
See the post (10 advantages of denmark green card)
Thanx Comrade for replying .
but m still bit confused . i have heard dat it is very expensive country so it can be prove hard to make both ends meet at initial stage in dearth of proper work . we have two kids nd i think we have to bear all the expands of their studies or govt. will help us in this matter ? my husband has international driving licence . is it prove helpful to find a job there for him ? also suggest us plzzz which is better part to live and find job there ?
with regards
I am 50 years old and working as chief consultant in my owned Income Tax & Corporeate Law firm from last 20 years.I am commerce graduate with 14 years education.I am self employer and owned 218000$ worth assets in Pakistan.Do i eligible for Denmark Immigration.
please reply and help.My email taxhelp2008@hotmail.com -------Atif
Thanx for replying .
but m still bit confused . i have heard dat it is very expensive country so it can be prove hard to make both ends meet at initial stage in dearth of proper work . we have two kids nd i think we have to bear all the expands of their studies or govt. will help us in this matter ? my husband has international driving licence . is it prove helpful to find a job there for him ? also suggest us plzzz which is better part to live and find job there ?
with regards
Dear Neelu,
Copenhagen is the best part of Denmark to live having plenty of jobs.
Yes its a little bit expensive
I m 33 years old pakistani citizen, have done masters in business administration (16yaesr education), working for national data base & registration authority since last 8years. The total experience i have is 9 years.However my wife is a houselady. We want to immigrate to denmark. Please tell us the score card position if we could apply for it or otherwise. If we get a chance will we be able to get job? Plz plz guide us.
Dear Anonymous,
What is your designation in the national database & registration authority?
Well Come to Denmark if you are ready for the following jobs. Cleaning, waiter, dishwasher, kitchen helper, paper boy or newspaper deliver. I wonder why some people in this blog are not giving actual picture of working and living condition in Denmark. Think twice before you step. Choice is yours. Well come to Denmark and if you have already decided remember to bring a good sacks of money from your country.
sir i want to immigrate to denmark kindly check my case and tell me how i start and how i have not master degeree ihave only pakistani bachlor degree
Hi friends,
I am a Physiotherapist. Is there jobs available for Phsyiotherapists in denmark. I have work experience for 7 years.
Is it worth trying for a green card for denmark?
tell me how much total time to get passport
and how much time we work and live in denmark of total time to get passport
the danish greencard for first three years will be renewed for four years, is it right or not?,
I have been granted green card permi. Can i take my family with me to denmark.
any idea how much time it will take to process case.
I am Shalu Arora. looking for job in embassy.Evene i have worked in NZ embassy as Part Time. So how can i get to know about Denmarak's embassy's job?? even i know some languegs like,German,Italian(IIC From italian emabssy),punjabi.
my email-id id arora176
my contact number is 9654334797
Hi,i am a tunisian citizen. For the mean time i live in Italy and i have a residence permit.Can i continue my studies in Danmark.Thank you!(Thamer)
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