Several conditions have to be satisfied to turn out to be listed in a nationality bill and thus become a Danish national by naturalization – in other words, by statute.
Following are the conditions of Danish Citizenship
1. Solemn declarations:
You have to sign a statement in which you vow commitment and loyalty to Denmark and the Danish culture and state your readiness to observe Danish legislation and value fundamental Danish principles of law.
You also have to give information on any criminal offences committed previously in the form of a solemn declaration.
2. Renunciation of previouss nationality:
To be listed in a naturalization bill you must agree to surrender your previous nationality. It depends on the nationality legislation of your country whether you will automatically drop your current nationality when you turn out to be a Danish national, or whether you have to submit an application to the authorities of your country of origin to be released from your present nationality.
The following persons are not required to be released from their present nationality:
- Who automatically lose their present nationality.
- With refugee status in Denmark.
- From countries where it is impossible or implies extreme difficulties to be released from former nationality.
- Whose request for release from their present nationality has been refused.
- Who have proved that they have made a serious, but ineffective attempt to be released from their present nationality.
3. Residence:
To be listed in a naturalization bill you have to have a permanent residence permit of Denmark and live in Denmark.
If you do not have a permanent residence permit, you can apply for one with the Danish Immigration Service.
Furthermore, it is a general rule that you have to have lived in Denmark for a continuous period of no less than 9 years. The residence period is considered from the date of your first residence permit.
4. Offences
According to the rules in effect, it is not possible for you to be listed in a naturalization bill if:
You have been sentenced to at least 60 days' imprisonment for violation of offences against national independence and security and/or offences against the Constitution and the supreme authorities of the State.
- You have been sentenced to permanent throwing out.
- You have been sentenced to imprisonment for 18 months or more.
- If you have been verdict for other offences, the general rule is that you cannot be listed in a naturalization bill until the ending of a certain waiting period.
- The length of the waiting period normally depends on the length of the verdict.
- If you have been offender several times of offences of a parallel nature, the waiting period is prolonged by 3 years for each time.
5. Overdue debt to public authorities:
If you have unpaid debt to public authorities, you cannot be listed in a naturalization bill.
6. Self-support:
You must be self-supporting. It means that you do not receive and have not received at any instance during the past year any public benefits under the Act on an Active Social Policy or the Integration Act.
7. Danish skills:
To be listed in a naturalization bill you have to prove your Danish skills by presenting a specific examination certificate.
The evidence of your Danish skills that you have to present is a certificate of the Danish 3 Examination from a Danish language centre with an average mark of at least 7 at the 13-point scale or 4 at the 7-step scale, or one of the examinations listed in Schedule 3.
8. Citizenship test:
To be listed in a nationality bill you have to prove your knowledge of the Danish society and of Danish culture and history by presenting a certificate of a particular citizenship test.
Source: nyidanmark.dk/en-us/citizenship/danish_nationality/conditions_to_be_satisfied.htm
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im zeshan
M.Sc (Computer Science) 16 years education
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Hi i am electrical engineer from pak uni peshawar doing job in cement company as an Asst Manager, 7 years work experience,,ielts;6.5 , age 31, and married, spouse;Msc.Ecnomics. want to settle in denmark, plz help me out to calculate my points an guide me. thanx
Sorry it is impossible to get citizen ship and you people can not be sure that when you get the citizen ship after spending 10 years. If you have the points and full fill other requirments than you can get the permnet resedency ship and for few years and you than have to learn the language and find a stable job after you apply for the P.R again. Find out more in "new to denmark"
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