1. You can put forward it at the Danish diplomatic mission in your home country or the country where you have resided with authorization for the past three months. The mission will then forward your application to the Immigration Service in Denmark, where it will be processed.
2. If there is no Danish mission in your home country or country of current residence, it is very much possible to put forward your application at the mission of another Schengen country. As a rule the mission of another Schengen country only cover short stay visas. Exceptions are made for the Swedish and Norwegian embassies, where applications for residence or work visas may also processed. Though, the Norwegian Embassy in Colombo Sri Lanka and the Swedish Embassy in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo only processes Denmark short term visa applications. Here is the list of countries along with the missions which process Denmark visa.
3. If you are living lawfully in Denmark on other kind of residence permit, ceremonial stay, visa, or visa-free stay, you can usually submit your application in Denmark.
- You can put forward your application at the Service Centre of the Immigration Service. If you reside outside Greater Copenhagen, you can also put forward your application at the local police who will then further send it to the Immigration Service. If the Immigration Service recognizes your application for processing, you will be allowed to stay in Denmark while your application is being processed.
- As a substitute, you can book a meeting with the Immigration Service. This service is aimed at people applying for a work permit and Greencard in order to work in Denmark.
- If you have lived in Denmark on the grounds of a different residence permit for instance asylum or family reunification, and this permit has been cancelled or refused extension by the Immigration Service, you can put forward your application in Denmark up to seven days after receiving the decision. After this stage, you have to put forward your application from your country of origin.
4. If you are living unlawfully in Denmark, an application submitted in Denmark will usually be refused, and you will be asked to put forward your application from your country of origin.
Can someone guide me that what are denmark embassy green card interview questions new delhi?
Please comment
What is the total number of indians in denmark?
The mail purpose of the interview at Danish emabassy is to confirm your credentials and your purpose of going Denmark.
how can i know whether my job will qualify for green card scheme or not?
Dear Anonymous,
See the occupations in Positive list. If your job title is there you may be qualify for Denmark Immigration.
Is it possible to get denmark immigration from india. What is the whole procedure.
Please guide me
Please refer to Denmark Greencard section of this blog
am trying to file papers for green card for denmark.am having some queries.pls clarify...
1) can i download the visa application from internet and fill by my own.
2) how n where to do the attestation of documents.
3) how to submit at consulate...shall ineed to book slot for going there...
I have completed 4 years BSc in Leather Products Technology ( 16 years study). Can i get 50 points for that
Emai: ronytech2008@yahoo.com
Name : Rony
I did masters in geography.i am working as gis engineer ,5+ exp(geopraphic information system).I have few doubts.can any one help me to clarify.
1.am i eligible to get a greencard
2.i am planning to apply with my husband.are they interview both at one time?
3.what are the documents i need to show and as a spouse ,what he need to show?
I really appreciate for your help.
Thank you,
I would like to apply for denish immigration , m from pakistan how can i lodge my application with family and what are the fees for it.
Franky Pak ISB
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