New Delhi, Bangalore and now Ahmedabad in Gujarat. The Trade Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes so definitely in India as a country of prospect for Danish companies, that it has been determined to open yet one more Danish trade commission.
The trade commission will lend a hand with Danish companies with market investigate, establishing links with possible business partners, contacts with establishment and offering leadership on sales and marketing, sourcing and creation.
Gujarat is in the middle of the top five Indian states, when it comes to be a magnet for foreign investment. It is also one of the mainly business-friendly Indian states and has one of the uppermost growth rates of all Indian states.
Head of trade commission in Ahmedabad, Mr. Faisel Butt,
tel. +91 79 4027 7300
Ambassador Ole Lønsmann Poulsen, Danish Embassy in New Delhi,
tel. +91 11 4209 0700
Head of Public Relations Ms. Louise Brincker, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
tel. +45 33 92 08 42, mob. +45 23 43 41 76
Source: ambnewdelhi.um.dk/en/servicemenu/News/DenmarkOpensNewTradeCommissionInAhmedabad.htm